That is such a good question, but the answer is no!
As a minister in a vibrant congregation, I spend much of my time visiting members of the church. Yes I will hear their stories, but the focus is different.
During a pastoral visit we talk about the church, their role in the church, the latest news... we pray, we often drink coffee or tea, and sometimes (and these are such blessed times!) we talk about the spirit's movement in their lives. Pastoral care is meant to be supportive, meeting people where they are, helping bridge connections between the congregation and individual members.
When we come together for spiritual direction, it will feel different. I believe that the holy is at work in every aspect of our world, including your heart! I hope that you will trust me enough to bring whatever is stirring in your soul. There is nothing we can't talk about, and I promise not to judge, and I promise that all our conversations will be confidential.
Sometimes you may bring something that requires a more focused, different approach from spiritual direction. When I feel our conversations venture into a realm that is beyond my expertise, I will let you know, and will provide you with a few suggested paths or practitioners who may be able to help you.
If you are a member of the congregation, there is no charge for spiritual direction/companioning, but I hope you will consider making a donation to the church to honour the importance of this new relationship.
Do you still have questions? Please reach out by email or call us at 613-475-1311
