Maybe you have heard of Spiritual Direction? Annam Cara? Soul companion?
All of these terms describe what happens in a session with a spiritual companion.
This is not psychotherapy, and Wanda is trained to identify when our conversation cross into a realm that is better addressed by a different professional.
Having said that, bring your wonderings, your longings, your questions, your confusion... bring yourself, and discover the beauty that is already waiting to be celebrated!
As a spiritual director, my job is to listen to you. Really listen. We all have a story to tell, and I want to hear yours.
Before we meet I will spend time quietly reflecting, setting aside my own agenda and my own concerns. When you enter the room, the focus is on you and your relationship with the holy.
Spiritual direction as I know it is rooted in the early church. Some members of spiritual communities had a particular gift of listening and reflecting and discerning, and were set apart to be listeners who held people's stories, helping people back onto a path of wholeness within a sacred community. But accompanying each other's souls is a deep, beautiful experience that can change lives, whether you have a faith tradition or just long to understand your place in the world.
Today, spiritual direction or companioning may or may not use sacred texts as a reference. It depends on what you bring to the sessions! Poetry, scripture, times of reflection, music, guided meditation, and silence are the tools we use, but the Spirit is the true companion on this journey. And the journey is yours alone.
Are you curious about your inner journey? Are you wondering about choices? Do you feel a restlessness that you can't quite figure out?
Let's give this a try.
